Source code for radioco.apps.schedules.models

# Radioco - Broadcasting Radio Recording Scheduling system.
# Copyright (C) 2014  Iago Veloso Abalo
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import datetime
import heapq
from functools import partial
from itertools import imap

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from recurrence.fields import RecurrenceField

from radioco.apps.programmes.models import Programme, Episode
from radioco.apps.radioco.tz_utils import transform_datetime_tz, fix_recurrence_dst, transform_dt_to_default_tz, \
    fix_recurrence_date, recurrence_after, recurrence_before

    ("L", _("live")),
    ("B", _("broadcast")),
    ("S", _("broadcast syndication"))

MO = 0
TU = 1
WE = 2
TH = 3
FR = 4
SA = 5
SU = 6

    (MO, _('Monday')),
    (TU, _('Tuesday')),
    (WE, _('Wednesday')),
    (TH, _('Thursday')),
    (FR, _('Friday')),
    (SA, _('Saturday')),
    (SU, _('Sunday')),

[docs]class CalendarManager(models.Manager):
[docs] def current(self): return Calendar.objects.get(is_active=True)
[docs]class Calendar(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = _('calendar') verbose_name_plural = _('calendar') name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, verbose_name=_("name")) is_active = models.BooleanField(default=False)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.is_active: active_calendars = Calendar.objects.filter(is_active=True) active_calendars.update(is_active=False) self.rearrange_episodes() super(Calendar, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def rearrange_episodes(self): now = for programme in Programme.objects.filter(Q(end_date__gte=now) | Q(end_date__isnull=True)): programme.rearrange_episodes(now, self)
[docs] def get_active(cls): try: return cls.objects.get(is_active=True) except Calendar.DoesNotExist: return None
def __unicode__(self): return u"%s" % (
# We are not rearranging episodes during deletion
[docs]class ExcludedDates(models.Model): """ Helper to improve performance """ schedule = models.ForeignKey('Schedule') datetime = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True) @property def date(self): local_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(self.datetime) return
[docs] def get_new_excluded_datetime(self, new_dt): """ Returns: A new dt to be excluded in that date """ default_tz = timezone.get_default_timezone() new_dt_in_default_tz = transform_datetime_tz(new_dt, tz=default_tz) return default_tz.localize(datetime.datetime.combine(, new_dt_in_default_tz.time()))
[docs]class Schedule(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = _('schedule') verbose_name_plural = _('schedules') programme = models.ForeignKey(Programme, verbose_name=_("programme")) type = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("type"), choices=EMISSION_TYPE, max_length=1) calendar = models.ForeignKey(Calendar, verbose_name=_("calendar")) recurrences = RecurrenceField(verbose_name=_("recurrences")) start_dt = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('start date')) effective_start_dt = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('first effective start date'), help_text=_('This field is dynamically generated to improve performance') ) effective_end_dt = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('last effective end date'), help_text=_('This field is dynamically generated to improve performance') ) from_collection = models.ForeignKey( 'self', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='child_schedules', help_text=_("Parent schedule (only happens when it is changed from recurrence.") ) source = models.ForeignKey( 'self', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name=_("source"), help_text=_("Main schedule when (if this is a broadcast).") )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): assert self.start_dt, 'start_dt is required' self._update_recurrence_dates() # Do this every time to avoid users to delete/add exdates manually self._update_excluded_dates() self._update_effective_dates() super(Schedule, self).save(*args, **kwargs) self.programme.rearrange_episodes(, Calendar.get_active())
def _update_recurrence_dates(self): """ Fix for django-recurrence 1.3 We need to update the internal until datetime to include the whole day """ default_tz = timezone.get_default_timezone() for rrule in self.recurrences.rrules: if rrule.until: rrule.until = default_tz.localize(datetime.datetime.combine( transform_dt_to_default_tz(rrule.until).date(), datetime.time(23, 59, 59))) def _update_excluded_dates(self): """ We need to update dates inside ExcludedDates and the recurrence library """ exdates = [] for excluded in ExcludedDates.objects.filter(schedule=self): new_excluded_dt = excluded.get_new_excluded_datetime(self.start_dt) excluded.datetime = new_excluded_dt exdates.append(fix_recurrence_date(self.start_dt, new_excluded_dt)) self.recurrences.exdates = exdates def _update_effective_dates(self): # Start date has to be calculated first self.effective_start_dt = calculate_effective_schedule_start_dt(self) self.effective_end_dt = calculate_effective_schedule_end_dt(self) @property def runtime(self): return self.programme.runtime @staticmethod
[docs] def get_schedule_which_excluded_dt(programme, dt): try: return ExcludedDates.objects.get(schedule__programme=programme, datetime=dt).schedule except ExcludedDates.DoesNotExist: return None
[docs] def exclude_date(self, dt): local_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(dt) self.recurrences.exdates.append(fix_recurrence_date(self.start_dt, local_dt)) ExcludedDates.objects.create(schedule=self, datetime=dt)
[docs] def include_date(self, dt): local_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(dt) self.recurrences.exdates.remove(fix_recurrence_date(self.start_dt, local_dt)) ExcludedDates.objects.get(schedule=self, datetime=dt).delete()
[docs] def has_recurrences(self): return self.recurrences
[docs] def dates_between(self, after, before): """ Return a sorted list of dates between after and before """ after_date = self._merge_after(after) if not after_date: return after_date = transform_dt_to_default_tz(after_date) before_date = transform_dt_to_default_tz(self._merge_before(before)) start_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(self.start_dt) # We need to send the dates in the default timezone recurrence_dates_between = self.recurrences.between(after_date, before_date, inc=True, dtstart=start_dt) # Special case to include started episodes date_before = self.date_before(after_date) if date_before and date_before < after_date < date_before + self.runtime: yield date_before # Date was already fixed for date in recurrence_dates_between: yield fix_recurrence_dst(date) # Fixing date
[docs] def date_before(self, before): before_date = transform_dt_to_default_tz(self._merge_before(before)) start_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(self.start_dt) date = recurrence_before(self.recurrences, before_date, start_dt) return fix_recurrence_dst(date)
[docs] def date_after(self, after): after_date = self._merge_after(after) if not after_date: return after_date = transform_dt_to_default_tz(after_date) start_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(self.start_dt) date = recurrence_after(self.recurrences, after_date, start_dt) return fix_recurrence_dst(date)
def _merge_after(self, after): """ Return the greater first date taking into account the programme constraints Can return None if there is no effective_start_dt """ if not self.effective_start_dt: return None return max(after, self.effective_start_dt) def _merge_before(self, before): """ Return the smaller last date taking into account the programme constraints """ if not self.effective_end_dt: return before return min(before, self.effective_end_dt) def __unicode__(self): return ' - '.join([self.start_dt.strftime('%A'), self.start_dt.strftime('%X')])
[docs]def calculate_effective_schedule_start_dt(schedule): """ Calculation of the first start date to improve performance """ programme_start_dt = schedule.programme.start_dt programme_end_dt = schedule.programme.end_dt # If there are no rrules if not schedule.has_recurrences(): if programme_start_dt and programme_start_dt > schedule.start_dt: return None if programme_end_dt and schedule.start_dt > programme_end_dt: return None return schedule.start_dt # Get first date after_dt = schedule.start_dt if programme_start_dt: after_dt = max(schedule.start_dt, programme_start_dt) first_start_dt = fix_recurrence_dst(recurrence_after( schedule.recurrences, transform_dt_to_default_tz(after_dt), transform_dt_to_default_tz(schedule.start_dt))) if first_start_dt: if programme_end_dt and programme_end_dt < first_start_dt: return None return first_start_dt return None
[docs]def calculate_effective_schedule_end_dt(schedule): """ Calculation of the last end date to improve performance """ programme_start_dt = schedule.programme.start_dt programme_end_dt = schedule.programme.end_dt # If there are no rrules if not schedule.has_recurrences(): if not schedule.effective_start_dt: # WARNING: this depends on effective_start_dt return None # returning None if there is no effective_start_dt return schedule.start_dt + schedule.runtime # If we have a programme restriction if programme_end_dt: last_effective_start_date = fix_recurrence_dst(recurrence_before( schedule.recurrences, transform_dt_to_default_tz(programme_end_dt), transform_dt_to_default_tz(schedule.start_dt))) if last_effective_start_date: if programme_start_dt and programme_start_dt > last_effective_start_date: return None return last_effective_start_date + schedule.runtime rrules_until_dates = [_rrule.until for _rrule in schedule.recurrences.rrules] # If we have a rrule without a until date we don't know the last date if any(map(lambda x: x is None, rrules_until_dates)): return None possible_limit_dates = schedule.recurrences.rdates + rrules_until_dates if not possible_limit_dates: return None # Get the biggest possible start_date. It could be that the biggest date is excluded biggest_date = max(possible_limit_dates) last_effective_start_date = schedule.recurrences.before( transform_dt_to_default_tz(biggest_date), True, dtstart=transform_dt_to_default_tz(schedule.start_dt)) if last_effective_start_date: if programme_start_dt and programme_start_dt > last_effective_start_date: return None return fix_recurrence_dst(last_effective_start_date) + schedule.runtime return None
[docs]class Transmission(object): """ Temporal object generated according to recurrence rules or schedule information It contains concrete dates """ def __init__(self, schedule, date, episode=None): self.schedule = schedule self.start = date self.episode = episode @property def programme(self): return self.schedule.programme @property def name(self): return @property def slug(self): return self.programme.slug @property def end(self): return self.start + self.schedule.runtime @property def programme_url(self): return reverse('programmes:detail', args=[self.programme.slug]) @property def episode_url(self): if not self.episode: return None return reverse( 'programmes:episode_detail', args=(self.slug, self.episode.season, self.episode.number_in_season) ) @classmethod
[docs] def at(cls, at): schedules = Schedule.objects.filter( calendar__is_active=True, effective_start_dt__lte=at ).filter( Q(effective_end_dt__gt=at) | Q(effective_end_dt__isnull=True) ) for schedule in schedules: date = schedule.date_before(at) if date and date <= at < date + schedule.runtime: # Get episode try: episode = Episode.objects.get(issue_date=date) except Episode.DoesNotExist: episode = None # yield transmission yield cls(schedule, date, episode)
[docs] def between(cls, after, before, schedules=None): """ Return a tuple of Schedule and Transmissions sorted by date """ if schedules is None: schedules = Schedule.objects.filter(calendar__is_active=True) schedules = schedules.filter( effective_start_dt__lt=before ).filter( Q(effective_end_dt__gt=after) | Q(effective_end_dt__isnull=True) ) # Querying episodes episodes in that period of time episodes = Episode.objects.filter( issue_date__lt=before, issue_date__gte=after ) episodes = {_episode.issue_date: _episode for _episode in episodes} transmission_dates = [ imap(partial(_return_tuple, item2=schedule), schedule.dates_between(after, before)) for schedule in schedules ] sorted_transmission_dates = heapq.merge(*transmission_dates) for sorted_transmission_date, schedule in sorted_transmission_dates: # Adding episodes matching by date, we don't care about if this info is not correct yield cls(schedule, sorted_transmission_date, episodes.get(sorted_transmission_date))
def _return_tuple(item1, item2): return item1, item2