Source code for radioco.apps.radioco.tz_utils

import datetime

import pytz
from import tzoffset
from django.utils import timezone

from radioco.apps.radioco.utils import memorize

timestamp = datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1)  # any unambiguous timestamp will work here

[docs]class GMT(tzoffset): """ GMT implementation, it has a fixed offset """ def __init__(self, seconds): hours = int(seconds / 3600) if hours < 0: self._name = 'GMT-%s' % abs(hours) else: self._name = 'GMT+%s' % hours self._offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
[docs] def localize(self, dt, is_dst=False): '''Convert naive time to local time''' if dt.tzinfo is not None: raise ValueError('Not naive datetime (tzinfo is already set)') return dt.replace(tzinfo=self)
[docs] def normalize(self, dt, is_dst=False): '''Correct the timezone information on the given datetime''' if dt.tzinfo is self: return dt if dt.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError('Naive time - no tzinfo set') return dt.astimezone(self)
def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % self._name def __str__(self): return '%s' % self._name
@memorize def get_timezone_offset(tz): return GMT((tz.utcoffset(timestamp) - tz.dst(timestamp)).total_seconds())
[docs]def get_active_timezone(): """ Same method as timezone.get_current_timezone but returning utc if nothing was set """ return getattr(timezone._active, "value", pytz.utc)
[docs]def transform_datetime_tz(dt, tz=None): """ Transform a datetime in other timezone to the current one """ if not tz: tz = timezone.get_current_timezone() return tz.normalize(dt.astimezone(tz))
[docs]def transform_dt_to_default_tz(dt): """ Transform a datetime in other timezone to the current one """ tz = timezone.get_default_timezone() return tz.normalize(dt.astimezone(tz))
[docs]def fix_recurrence_date(start_dt, dt): """ Fix for django-recurrence 1.3 rdates and exdates needs a datetime, we are combining the date with the time from start_date. Return: A datetime in the default timezone with the offset required to work in the recurrence """ current_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(dt) current_start_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz(start_dt) tz = GMT(current_start_dt.utcoffset().total_seconds()) # tz without DST # We are localising a new dt in the DST naive tz fixed_dt = transform_dt_to_default_tz( tz.localize(datetime.datetime.combine(, current_start_dt.time()))) return fixed_dt
[docs]def fix_recurrence_dst(dt): """ Fix for django-recurrence 1.3 Function to fix a datetime tz aware with an incorrect offset Returns: A datetime in the same timezone but with the offset fixed """ if dt: tz = dt.tzinfo return tz.localize(datetime.datetime.combine(, dt.time())) return None
def _fix_invalid_dt(recurrence, dt): """ Check if start_dt is a valid result """ if not recurrence.rrules: return dt if dt in recurrence.rdates: return dt for rrule in recurrence.rrules: if not rrule.until: return dt elif dt < rrule.until: return dt return None
[docs]def recurrence_after(recurrence, after_dt, start_dt): """ Fix for django-recurrence 1.3 Avoid outputting a impossible dt """ dt = recurrence.after(after_dt, True, dtstart=start_dt) if dt == start_dt: return _fix_invalid_dt(recurrence, dt) return dt
[docs]def recurrence_before(recurrence, before_dt, start_dt): """ Fix for django-recurrence 1.3 Avoid outputting a non impossible dt """ dt = recurrence.before(before_dt, True, dtstart=start_dt) if dt == start_dt: return _fix_invalid_dt(recurrence, dt) return dt