Installing web application

To allow RadioCo to generate correct dates it’s necessary to set the timezone variable:

  1. Find your timezone in this list
  2. Go to the config folder (radioco/configs/base) and create if not exists a in the same directory than
  3. Add to the local settings the variable timezone, for example: TIME_ZONE = “Europe/Madrid”

Installing locally

This tutorial requires a terminal with Git, Bash and Docker installed.


The easiest way of installing the app is using Docker engine, follow the installation steps to install Docker.

Open a terminal and introduce the following commands:

Download the project and cd into it:

git clone
cd django-radio

Execute the following commands to deploy the app in docker, this step take some time:

chmod +x ./run
./run start_dev
./run manage create_example_data


If you have faced the error “ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8” on MacOS X, execute:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8


Let’s verify your installation

Now that the server’s running, visit

Also if you want to access the admin area the default credentials are admin/1234


Don’t use this server in anything resembling a production environment.

Using RadioCo on production

The Internet is a hostile environment. Before deploying this project, you should take some time to review your settings, with security, performance, and operations in mind. Keep in mind this critical settings.


RadioCo provides a staging environment, safer than the previous one but still insecure, use at your own risk.

./run start

Now that the server’s running, visit